Saturday, September 7, 2013

Goodbye, Kampala. Hellooo, Kasese!

On our last day in Kampala, Enoch brought us to two memorial sites celebrating the bravery and conviction of the Uganda Martyrs. In total, some 46 Ugandans sacrificed their lives in the name of their faith, refusing to relinquish their beliefs for the sake of their king.

Each year on June 3rd, Christians and Anglicans alike 
gather here to remember these lives lost.

At night, we had the opportunity to explore the city with a local friend named Medi. He first took us to see a view of the Park. Thousands of taxi vans gather in one lot to connect with ride-seeking customers. Unlike in the U.S., taxis are not called to location for pick-up, but rather, riders transport themselves to this location in order to utilize these services.

Interestingly, Medi made mention that in a year’s time, the city
 hopes to relocate the taxis in order to renovate the Park
into a green space much more like a park that you and I would recognize.

Once we had had our fill of the commotion, we made our way to a rooftop restaurant for a late dinner. The atmosphere was much more relaxed away from the Park, and we were able to share stories and compare notes on our respective cultures.

A local meal of eggs and chips with a tasty Ugandan brew.

Such a relaxing end to our last night in Kampala.

Early the next morning we began our six-hour drive from Kampala to Kasese, stopping once in Fort Portal for a familiar meal of pizza! It was a long journey filled with hundreds of speed bumps, but we've officially arrived in Kasese!

I’ll write again soon about our first few days in our new home, but until then I’ll leave you all with a picture of some baboon friends we found near Fort Portal.


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